Cosmic black metal/EDM project DRUON ANTIGON is proud to announce that his new full-length, entitled “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al”, will be released on November 29th via Consouling Sounds. Composed of 6 tracks for over 41 minutes of musical experience, “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al” is a must-listen for those loving Arcturus, Igorrr, Darkspace, Midnight Odyssey, Mare Cognitum, Aphex Twin, Lorn, Access to Arasaka, and Venetian Snares!
A foretaste from the new effort is now available with the song “Midas” – stream it here!
Pre-order the new album “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al” below
Black LP:
Ash grey LP:
With “Midas” the sonic fury of DRUON ANTIGON reaches the most remote corners of our inner cosmos. The song is supported by a relentless blast beat that, combined with acid scream vocals, imposing melodies and post-metal-flavored guitars, create a truly unique experience. In “Midas”, as often happens throughout the album, the use of electronics is quite important, both in expanding the sound cosmos towards new territories and in relaunching the black metal fury towards the end of the song.
The new album “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al” (translating to both ‘The Dark Perfect Universe’ and ‘The Dark Perfected All’) aims to reflect that which lies beyond our own bubble of breathable air. Vast, majestic and beautiful. Uncaring, dark and inhospitable. A perfect and unchangeable system in which humanity is but an accidental stowaway. A clockwork of which the workings and origins are still largely a matter of speculation. Hic sunt dracones.
All music & lyrics by Lennart Janssen, except for vocals & lyrics on ‘Collapsing Black’ by Ronarg. Mixed and mastered by Lennart Janssen. Photos by Sandra Mermans.
Enclosed you can see the artwork by Lennart Janssen, while the tracklist of “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al” can be read as follows:
1. De Doler (06:19)
2. Midas (07:49)
3. Offer (06:51)
4. All Paths Lead Inwards (07:03)
5. Collapsing Black (07:46)
6. Geen Begin Noch Einde, Enkel Verandering (06:24)
