Belgium’s cosmic black metal/IDM artist DRUON ANTIGON has unleashed the new video for the track “Offer”. The song is taken from the new opus “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al”, released on November 29th via Consouling Sounds.
Order the new album “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al” below
Black LP:
Ash grey LP:
The new full-length “Het Donkere Volmaakte Al” (translating to both ‘The Dark Perfect Universe’ and ‘The Dark Perfected All’) aims to reflect that which lies beyond our own bubble of breathable air. Vast, majestic and beautiful. Uncaring, dark and inhospitable. A perfect and unchangeable system in which humanity is but an accidental stowaway. A clockwork of which the workings and origins are still largely a matter of speculation. Hic sunt dracones.
Born from an equal passion for experimental electronic music as for extreme metal, Lennart Janssen’s DRUON ANTIGON is an exercise in marrying the seemingly incongruous. Strongly inspired by the concepts of alchemy, it seeks to deconstruct genres into its basic constituents to then recombine them into a sonic, otherworldly amalgam. Expect doom-infused cosmic black metal, interwoven with glitched electronics and ambient sections.
FFO: Arcturus, Igorrr, Darkspace, Midnight Odyssey, Mare Cognitum, Aphex Twin, Lorn, Access to Arasaka, Venetian Snares
